No Past All Future

Guys, have you ever felt like something has happened in your life that will ruin it forever? Here is a verse that might help: “God can bring peace to your past, purpose to your present, and hope to your future.” John 14:27

That seems to be something that really effects me as a person. It is one of those lies that crept into my life when I didnt even see it. I did a Bible study called Lies That Young Women Believe. It helped me identify the lies I was believing.

The best thing to do when you identify a lie in you life is to find Bible verses that bring the truth in. Then memorize it, stick it in places you will see it. Because those lies will try to come and bring you down again. But if you have God's word hidden in your heart, the devil can't break you down. 

Let me close with this Bible verse: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32


  1. Thanks for sharing Noel! I really like this a lot - it's so true!


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