Being the Middle Girl

I'm the middle kid and the middle girl. It's hard. In this blog I'm going to be telling you some of the hardest things there are to being a middle kid.

1. You don't get as much attention. You become, well, sorta unnoticed for the things you do. And since it it is easier to get away with things you have to be careful you don't take advantage of that freedom. But also you don't get noticed as much for the good things you do. You do something good and expect to be applaud but instead you get pass unnoticed. 

2. One of the biggest things I think is the middle girl get a lot of men's work. Ya, let's just say I know construction quite well! You can ask me to cut you a board any at certain measurements and I'll go to the chopsaw and cut that baby and whip it out in a minute or less. You aren't really expected to be that perfect women doing the lady chores.

3. People often don't notice your emotions, or your relationship with Christ. You can easily start heading down a bad road and no one will notice till you are getting noticeably worse. That is why we need to have a altimate relationship with Christ and talk with other Christians. Read the scripture and learn it.

This is my experience as a middle kid. Please take into consideration my words. Look at your lives, what's up in your heart?


  1. I can totally relate to this Noel, in more ways than one! 😉 So true! Thank you again for taking the time to write such encouraging blogs! You do a great job.

  2. No problem. I love being able to relate to people so that they can know that someone has the same struggles and feelings. I'm glad you found this encouraging!

  3. Hey Noel! I get what it is like being the middle child, having to do the men's work and being unnoticeable for all the great things you do. I just wanted to say that all your blogs inspired me to do the right thing and to know the big man upstairs is watching down on me. So, I thank you for doing a great job in writing your blogs so keep up the good work kid!

  4. I totally agree Noel! I am not the middle child, but I am the middle sister, and sometimes I don't know which group I fit into. (I usually go with the older kids tho)


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