We Are Not Socially Challenged

Why do people think home schoolers are dumb!? Is it because they think that we are always home with no other piers to hang out with? And they think we are socially awkward?

We'll this isn't true. I hang out with a lot of other kids my age. And I have a wonderful homeschool co-op to go to! I have friends, I'm not socially challenged. I have the same feelings as any other high schoolers my age. 

I have met some homeschoolers who ya might be slightly more challenged than me. But HEY, they are humans just like us and we ought to treat them that way. Sometimes the most awkward people can end up being the best friends you'll ever have.

I've been home schooled since day one. I have insecurities that bite me when I'm with public schoolers. I'm always asking myself will they think I'm shy awkward or maybe even ugly. OK, stop their. 

God made you just as you are and just be you and stop trying to be someone you aren't. Trust me I've tried it, and sometimes still do. It always turns out to be a wreck and I hate myself afterward. But God sees me and picks me up, and he is proud of who I am. 

Guys, I'm not sure if this helped you understand how we think or what we are. But we still are people like you and deserve to be treated the same. God made us all humans, flawed, and imperfect. - Noel


  1. I really like this? It is such a good reminder to just be yourself when it doesn't work to be someone else. Good work! ❤

  2. I really love this Noel! I've been meaning to say this, but I can soooo relate! I love it! :D


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