My Testimony

I was baptized at age 7 and I really believed that I wanted God in my life. But I don't think that I actually knew what giving my all was. I sadly drifted from God when I was older.

From age 10-around 12 I found myself caught in a horrible sin. I was looking at pornography and I knew it was wrong, and I didn't care. My heart felt so heavy and dark. Like literally dark. I hated how I felt. But if I told anyone I knew I was going to be so in trouble.

The first time I looked at it my parents found out. My mom talked to me and I really was sad and wanted to change. I repented and went back on with life. My mom was so gentle with what I had done. And I was really surprised.

But I'm not sure how much longer it was but I started looking at it again. This time I told my parents, and I repented. After that time in my life I started noticing what a sinful life I was living. I told my parents, siblings, friends, the bad big and little things I had done wrong. I was truly changed and I felt so light. 

I moved on with God and that was the turning point in my life. I still find myself doing something wrong, and sometimes I have to repent of big things. Satan knows my weakness and I can't do it without God! I would be a shattered mess without him.

Although have some wicked and awful things in my life, and I am not proud of them. But pornography is something that is huge in our world and I can relate to others and help them out of this pit of dispair. I want my testimony to show others it is not impossible to get out of any sin!

I hope you are all encouraged!  God bless you all! - Noel


  1. Hey Noel this is really's really great when Christians share their testimony because it shows other people that you identify with them, and that there is still hope. Thanks for sharing! And thanks for supporting our blog too. You're a great friend. -Hanna

    1. Thank you so much Hanna! I'm glad I can share my testimony with others to let them know they aren't alone in this. And you're a great friend too!


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