My Ballet Life🩰


I'm a dancer by heart and always have. But ya, I don't want to wear what everybody wears in a regular dance class. I think it is slightly immodest (no offense to anyone in the dance classes) depending on the dance academy you are in.

I wasn't aloud to attend a dance academy. I had to learn online and through a homeschool group. I first found out I was interested at age 13, yes, I know really old to start ballet! But I loved it, and it helped me let go of emotions as I danced for Jesus. I had a few classes at my homeschool group but it was shut down because we all know, yep you guessed it the Covid 19 pandemic.

I practiced at home with my sister who was also interested. She was so much more naturally flexible than me and it put me down. But I kept pressing. Finally another semester of our homeschool group started up and I had classes and we did a performance at the end of the semester with some other girls. 

I have since then been practicing at home. It is super hard, but I love it so I press on. I'm not very good but I'm better and that counts. I hope this encouraged you. If you have a passion of ballet or maybe even something else. Press on, you might suck at first but God will help you and you will succeed, even if that takes a while. I love you all! 


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